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Good News Thread
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Good News Thread
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Wendy Van Camp
Sep 24, 2021
Congrats. :) Great news. :)
Is (or has anyone been) addicted to coffee?
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What's Your Favourite Way To Write?
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Wendy Van Camp
May 10, 2021
@Marie Vonow Not all the notebooks above are for poetry. One is my bullet journal where I track my writing career, another is a Filofax planner that serves as my editorial calendar for various social media, I use ARC journals for novel story bibles, and another traveler style journal for morning pages. My poetry composition mainly stays in a single A5 traveler's journal, second from the bottom. Inside I have a Stalogy notebook and a tome river paper insert. The larger Stalogy is where I scribble in prompts, ideas, create fragments of lines and eventually full poems. There is plenty of cross outs, is a mess...but a mess by design. I don't want to erase while composing because sometimes something "wrong" turns out to be "right". I like to see where I was before. This is why I don't compose poems on the screen. I also find that using paper and pen helps me focus on the words more. When I feel a poem is finished, I enclose it in brackets so that I can see it better. If I remember, I also include a date when it was done. I've been in the same large notebook for years. The smaller insert was for storing finished poems. I thought it would give me a "clean copy" to use at open-mic readings. However, I find that it has not worked out that way. I am considering creating a "book" just for myself of the poems that I like to take to readings and making a single book of these for myself, but that is still in the planning stages. My finished poems usually are copied to EverNote and from there they are submitted to magazines. I don't have a good storage system in EverNote and I fear losing my poetry as the years go by. Perhaps a thread here about poetry storage methods might be a good idea?
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Wendy Van Camp

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