Writing poetry is an art, and if you're looking for a new way to express yourself or want to try out a new hobby, writing poetry is a great place to start! I'll walk you through how I got my start writing poetry and then show you some tips for how you can get started with this creative endeavor.

Embrace that poetry is subjective.
Poetry is subjective. What one person thinks is beautiful, another may not. There are no absolute rules for writing poetry; it's up to you and your creative instinct. Poetry is a way of expressing yourself on paper or through spoken word--it's a way of sharing your feelings, thoughts and ideas with the world.
If you're having trouble getting started with poetry because there seems like there should be some sort of structure or pattern for writing it, then take heart! You don't have to follow any particular guidelines when creating your own poems--just express yourself however feels right in that moment by using words as your tools for expression!
Writing it all down.
Start your poem by writing down some ideas in a journal or notebook.
Write down some ideas on the back of a napkin.
Write down some ideas on the back of a receipt (or use it as an excuse to buy yourself something).

Write about your own life.
The best place to start is with your own life. Write about what you know, feel and see. If you're a student, write about school. If you're an athlete or a musician, write about sports and music. If you have pets or children then these are also good things to write about because they are part of who we are as people and what makes us unique individuals in this world.
If there's something in particular that has been bothering or troubling me lately then I might choose that subject matter as my poem's focus point (such as feeling overwhelmed by all the work I have yet been unable to complete).
Write about what makes you feel strong, weak or sad.
It's a good idea to write about things that are important to you and make an impact on your life. If there is something that makes you happy or angry then writing about it can help express how these feelings make you feel inside. You can also write about something that makes you fearful or hopeful in the world around us today.

Read other people's poetry.
Reading other people's poetry is an excellent way to learn how to write poetry. The best way to do this is by reading a wide variety of different poets and their work:
Read poems by different poets in the same genre as yours, or even different genres altogether.
Read poems written in styles that are new to you--for example, if you write free verse but have never read any formal poems before, try one out!
Also make sure that when reading other peoples' work, it's not always the same kind of poem over and over again--you want as much diversity as possible so that your brain can get used to seeing different structures and techniques being used by other artists.
Use words and expressions that fit the mood of your poem.
This is the most important part of writing poetry. You need to use words that fit the mood of your poem. If you want to write about love and happiness, then choose words that are upbeat and happy sounding. If you are writing about sadness or anger, then choose words that sound sad or angry.
It's also important to use words that aren't too long or complicated so readers can understand them easily without having to look them up in a dictionary!
Use all five senses in your poem.

One of the best things you can do is to use all five senses in your poem. This will make it more interesting and engaging for the reader, who will be able to experience what you're describing on multiple levels. The five senses are sight, sound, smell, taste and touch (or feeling). Here are some examples:
"I see the sun rise over my backyard."
"I hear birds singing outside my window."
"The smell of freshly baked bread fills my nose as I walk into the kitchen."
"The warm liquid slides down my throat as I take a sip from my cup."
You can write poetry if you put the time and effort into it!
Poetry is a way to express yourself, find your voice and explore the world around you. It can also be used as a form of communication between people who share similar interests. Poetry is one of the oldest forms of literature, dating back more than 3,000 years!
I hope that this article has helped you to understand what it takes to write poetry. The most important thing is that you have fun with it! Remember that there are no rules when it comes to writing poetry and there are no right or wrong words; all that matters is how they make you feel when read out loud by others. If this article sparked any ideas, then I encourage you get started today by writing down some thoughts in a journal or notebook - because who knows? Maybe one day those words will become part of another person's life too!
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