Poetry is a way for us to express ourselves and connect with others. It's an outlet for our emotions and our thoughts. And it can be so much fun! I love poetry because it's like playing around with language, using words in ways that surprise even myself sometimes. The best thing about writing poetry is that there isn't really one "right" way to do it. You can create your own unique style as long as you're being honest with yourself and your readers about what you're experiencing in life right now.
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Don't worry about making mistakes or about getting it right. Just keep going!
Don't worry about making mistakes or about getting it right. Just keep going!
The only way to learn how to write poetry is by writing poems. You can read all the books you want, but they won't make you a better poet unless you put those ideas into practice yourself and start developing your own voice and style of expression.

The best way to get started writing poetry is by picking up a pen and notebook and writing down whatever comes into your head. Don't worry about making mistakes or about getting it right. Just keep going!
The only way to learn how to write poetry is by writing poems. You can read all the books you want, but they won't make you a better poet unless you put those ideas into practice yourself and start developing your own voice and style of expression. The best way to get started writing poetry is by picking up a pen and notebook and writing down whatever comes into your head. Don't worry about making mistakes or about getting it right. Just keep going!
Writing poetry isn't hard if you're passionate about what you're doing and willing to take risks!
Writing poetry can be a way to express your feelings, thoughts and emotions. It's an opportunity for self-expression, which is something everyone needs. If writing is something that interests you, then go for it!
Poetry doesn't have to be difficult. You can write a poem about anything that you find interesting or inspiring. If it helps, think of your favourite song lyrics and try to write something similar.

Try to write something that's honest and from the heart. If you're not sure where to start, try writing about an experience you've had or something that happened in your life. There are also a lot of poems out there that are meant to be inspirational.
Write what you know.
Some of the most inspiring poetry is written by poets who write what they know. Don't be afraid to write about your experiences, your feelings and thoughts, your hopes and dreams. Poetry is an expression of the soul--and there's no better way to get in touch with your innermost self than through poetry!
Write about your past: This can include memories from childhood or more recent events that have shaped who you are today.
Write about current events: If something has happened that has affected you deeply enough that it needs sharing with others (or even just yourself), then why not express this through poetry? It could be anything from social issues affecting our world today such as pollution or animal cruelty; or even something smaller like losing someone special in death...or even getting married! There really isn't anything too small when it comes down to it because every experience shapes who we are as individuals--and each experience deserves its own voice within us which we can then share externally via writing/performing/recording etcetera."
Write about your struggles: This can be anything from personal battles with addiction or mental illness; to struggles against racism, sexism and homophobia. Write about the things that make you happy: Whether it's something as simple as a beautiful sunrise or sunset; or even just the feeling of being in love with someone special.
Take a listen to Bukowsi's 'Bluebird', about a softer side to his character that he kept suppressed because it didn't fit the caricature the media and his readers wanted.
Write down your dreams.
Dreams are a form of poetry, and they can be used to express your emotions. Dreams are also a way to deal with stress, by connecting with the subconscious mind.
Writing down your dreams is an excellent way to become more in-tune with yourself and increase your creative abilities!
Try freestyle writing.
Freestyle writing is a form of creative expression that doesn't follow any rules. Instead, you simply write down whatever comes to mind and let the words flow onto the page.
This isn't just an exercise for beginners--it can be very helpful for experienced writers as well! In fact, many famous authors have said that freestyle writing helped them get their ideas out of their heads and onto paper (or screen). And if you're having trouble coming up with ideas for your poems? Try freestyling instead!
The best way to get started with freestyle writing is to just sit down and do it. Set aside some time for yourself where you can focus on nothing but writing, without distractions or interruptions. Make sure you have a pen or pencil and paper handy, too!

Then, just start writing. Don't worry about grammar or the quality of your writing—just let it flow out of you! You can write whatever comes to mind, whether it's a poem, an essay, or a story. Afterward, look back on what you wrote and see if there are any parts that stand out as particularly interesting or beautiful. Those are probably good places to start editing when you're ready!
Find a mentor or writing group.
In order to unlock your poetic genius, you need to find a mentor. The mentor can be a family member, teacher or friend who is knowledgeable about poetry. A professional poet would also make an excellent mentor--but don't forget to ask them for advice! You could even join a writing group where everyone reads their work out loud and gives feedback on each other's poems.

The most important thing is that you find someone who knows how important it is for writers (especially poets) to have someone looking over their shoulder while they write so they don't get too caught up in themselves or their ideas without fully considering how those things will affect readers' experiences when they read what's been written down on paper or screen later down the road after publication day arrives.
The mentor will be able to provide valuable insight into how readers think and feel when they see a poem. They can help you develop your style, which is essential for writing poetry that people will want to read again and again.

Learn about poetic forms and meters.
Learning about poetic forms and meters is an important step in unlocking your poetic genius.
Poetic form is a way of structuring a poem, while meter is the rhythm of your poem. Poets use meter to count the number of syllables in each line, which makes their writing sound more musical and adds meaning to it. The most common types of poetic meters include iambic pentameter (a five-foot foot) and trochaic tetrameter (a four-foot foot).
These meters are called "feet" because they have two stresses per line: one on either side of an unstressed syllable ("da DUM da DUM") or three stresses per line ("da DUM da DUM da DUM").
You may be wondering why all this technical stuff matters when writing poetry? Well, like any art form--painting or music--if you want yours to stand out from others', then understanding how it works will help make sure that happens!
Poetic forms are also important to know. While there are many types, the most common ones include sonnets and haikus.
Read poetry every day!
Reading poetry is a great way to relax and unwind. It can also help you express yourself, learn new words and cultures, and even learn about history!

For example: I'm learning about my favourite poet right now--William Blake (who is pretty awesome). He was born in London in 1757 and died there in 1827 at age 70. His poems are very interesting because they have lots of colourful images that make them easier to understand than other kinds of writing such as novels or plays would be if they were set in ancient Greece like The Odyssey or Antigone by Sophocles respectively; but still contain deep meanings within each line which makes them perfect for people who want something more than just entertainment value out of their reading material!
Read your work aloud as you write.
Reading your work aloud is one of the most important things you can do to improve its quality. By reading it out loud, you'll be able to hear how it sounds and make sure that each sentence has a clear structure and meaning. It's also an opportunity for self-editing: if something feels awkward when read aloud, then it probably needs fixing!
If possible, try reading in front of others who are willing to give honest feedback on what they hear--this will help ensure that your writing doesn't get stuck with bad habits from being read by yourself only (which might not always be the best way).
-Make sure you have a clear idea of what your writing is trying to say. The purpose of this exercise is to help you learn how to write clearly, so it's important that you are able to explain clearly what the point of your writing is. This will make it easier for others to understand why they should care about it and give feedback on its quality.
Poetry is more than rhyming words
Poetry is more than rhyming words. It's an outlet for your emotions, a way to express yourself and communicate with others. Poetry can even be used as a tool for social justice and activism!
In this section, we'll explore how poetry can help you connect with others in meaningful ways.
A poem can be a powerful tool for social justice and activism. By writing poetry, you can use your voice to speak out against injustice, advocate for change, and celebrate the strength of others. Poetry is also a great way to express yourself and connect with other people through storytelling—it’s been said that “sharing a story is like giving someone a piece of yourself.
” This can be especially important for those who feel alone or alienated, especially in today’s social media-driven culture. In this section, we'll explore how poetry can help you connect with others in meaningful ways.

A poem can be a powerful tool for social justice and activism. By writing poetry, you can use your voice to speak out against injustice, advocate for change, and celebrate the strength of others. Poetry is also a great way to express yourself and connect with other people through storytelling—it’s been said that “sharing a story is like giving someone a piece of yourself.
This can be especially important for those who feel alone or alienated, especially in today’s social media-driven culture.
By writing poetry, you can use your voice to speak out against injustice, advocate for change, and celebrate the strength of others. Poetry is also a great way to express yourself and connect with other people through storytelling—it’s been said that “sharing a story is like giving someone a piece of yourself.
Write down everything you feel like writing down
When you're in the midst of inspiration, it's important to write down whatever comes to mind. If your mind is full of poetry and song lyrics, don't be afraid to put them down on paper!
Your poetic genius may not always be bubbling up inside you; sometimes it needs some coaxing from outside sources (like other people). So if you're looking for inspiration and want some guidance on how best to utilize this tool in order to achieve greatness in life--or at least get closer than ever before--check out my book Unlocking Your Poetic Genius: How To Write Like A Pro In Just 30 Days With No Previous Experience Or Training Required!
Poetry is a form of play.

Play is a way to learn, to express yourself and have fun. Play is also an important part of relaxation and creativity. As children, we were encouraged to "play like children"--to explore our world through imagination, discovery and exploration without any concern for the outcome or consequences. As adults, we lose this ability as we become more focused on what will happen next instead of simply enjoying the moment in front us at that moment in time!
I hope this post has inspired you to unlock your poetic genius! Poetry is such a wonderful form of expression, and it can help you express yourself better than any other form of writing. You don't have to be an expert or even know what form of poetry you want to write in before starting out--just get started writing whatever comes into your head, and see where it takes you.