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6 Emotion Poetry Prompts to Express your Hidden Emotions.

Writer's picture: AmyAmy

Updated: Nov 16, 2022

Everyone experiences emotion everyday. Whether you are happy, sad, angry, disgusted, or surprised. Poetry is something that is full of expressing your thoughts and feelings. It is whether they are visible or hidden. Words don't judge. Emotions which are left unexpressed can wreak havoc on your mental health; thankfully, poetry is the perfect way to express those emotions that have been troubling you.

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1. Anger

What you could write about:

1. Write an angered themed poem from something that has really enraged you in the past.

2. Write a poem based on the human emotion with the title of 'Anger'.

3. Write a poem that creates juxtaposition.

So in total there must be two Stanzas:

The first Stanza is regarding the idea of Anger.

The second stanza on Happiness.

4. Write about a time you were at work and a customer had given you unnecessary grief and you want to express your anger.

5. Write a poem continuing this :

Let fire rage from my soul,

2. Fear

Original HAND PAINTED artwork by Natalia Marinych

What you could write about:

1. Write a small Narrative poem based on the image above.

2. Write a poem with the title 'The Fear' using Metaphor, for Example: 'The fear is eating me up'.

3. Write a peom about one of your biggests fears in life?

4. Write a poem with a theme of fear, within the poem using the words: dismay, afraid and daunting.

5. Write a poem continuing this:

A white formed female ghost stood behind me,

3. Sadness

What you could write about:

1. Write a poem about yourself with positive language. Every sentence you must start off with 'I am.....'. The point of this is to turn your negative thoughts into positive thoughts. Title your poem 'I am?'. See where your positive thoughts take you.

2. Write a Haiku poem about sadness in Trees.

3. Write a poem about a time you were feeling alone. You must use a personification within the poem.

4. Write a sad poem that turns into positivity.

5. Write a poem continuing this:

My eyes bleed as they were overwhelmed with iterative tear

4. Disgust

What you could write about:

1. Write a free verse poem based on the image above. What is disgusting that the women is seeing. (You could be the women telling us what you see or you could be the person that the women is looking at. You could mention what you are doing? Where are you? What is happening?.)

2. Write a poem about detailing each facial part of their expression. For example, You could do one stanza about the woman's eyebrows and another stanza about her lips,"As her bright pink top lip raised with disgust."

3. Write a poem with something that disgusts you in this world or that has disgusted you in the past.

4. Write a poem about the human emotion of disgust.

5. Write a poem continuing this:

The dirty glare I got from.......,


What you could write about:

1. Write a poem based on the video above. (You could include, The moral of the story is that you can't buy happiness. As happiness is from something that is giving through love and kindness.)

2. Write a poem based on your favourite childhood memory.

3. Write a poem about the happiest moment of your life.

4. Write a poem titled 'Your Beautiful Smile'.

5. Write a poem continuing this:

The line became a curve,

Once (He/She/They) heard the amazing news....

Can you write a Villanelle Structured Poem based on how your emotional experience during lockdown?


What you could write about:

1. Write a poem on what the child in the image could be seeing or the lead up to the child's expression.

2. Write a free verse poem titled 'SURPRISE'. It could be about anything within the theme of surprise.

3. Write a poem about a surprised birthday party you have had.

4. Write a quatrain (4 lined poem) about an event that has happened in the past.

5. Write a poem continuing this:

They rolled their eyes and groaned,

As they received the paper with their end of term results,


If you write any poems inspired by these prompts, share them in The Poetry Cove Forum for other poets to read or for feedback. You can even consider submitting it to the Magazine or the Radio. Happy creating!


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