A thread to share what you're currently writing, what you're planning, what ideas you're pondering, imagery you're desperate to use in a poem, lines you know belong in a poem but you just can't seem to write said poem. You might even find inspiration for your own poem or realise your poem needs to go in a new direction.
I'm currently writing a poetry about lifting my nephew. It's not going in the direction I thought it would go but sometimes that happens!
I can't wait to hear what everyone else is working on!
Currently compiling my first collection of poems. When I started writing it all poured out, different subjects and styles and it took a while for me to find my groove but I feel like I have a bit of footing now. This collection is made up of a retrospective look at the relationships I've had. The good, bad, the fleeting and committed and how they impacted my life and changed me as a person. I'm hoping that the theme comes across, and it doesn't look like a bitter burn book - which it absolutely isn't meant to be! 🤣 I have two other collections planned for the future based on the other subjects that have dominated my writing, but it's a lot harder to compile and edit than I thought it would be. And I'm slightly terrified by the prospect of self publishing, cover design etc.