I used to be in the habit of reading poetry every night for leisure, but that has dropped off of late. I have recently found myself taking part in virtual open mics almost every night, so I guess you could say I'm still reading poetry but it isn't the same. I'm reading to entertain rather than leisure. Reading poetry is very important as a poet, so I'm wondering how often our Covers are reading poetry? Be honest you cheeky lot hahaha!
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Not as often as I used to. And definitely not as often as I should be. I’m not buying collections like I used to but I am trying to make an effort to read original work by amateur and independent poets. Reddit’s r/OCPoetry is a good resource for this. A lot of “meh” stuff there but there are some shining gems to be found also.
Yeah, I read the old poet masters almost daily, now I'm heart broken to think that I don't give them any time. The last was Allen Ginsburg's Howl a fantastic piece ( and answer to poetry quiz question). This is inspiration to get back to spending time with those majestic masters, thanks Adam.