Hi everyone
I love collaborations and another poet on Instagram and I recently collaborated on a (sort of) Renga.
Basically a Renga is a type of Japanese collaborative poem where two or more people write consecutive stanzas to create a complete poem. The stanzas don't have to run as a continuous story but should 'echo' the sentiment or the idea of the one before it.
I'm sure you all know what a Haiku is. Well the Renga we created was done using haiku. I wrote one then the other person wrote one then I wrote one etc. We wrote five each in total.
Are any of you guys interested in doing the same here?
I post a link to the Renga we wrote so you can see the idea.
Let me know if you want to give it a go. It's fun and creatively stimulating
Mediterranean evening
on a high rooftop terrace
flowers go to seed.
Waving daphnes yell, hola!
Each a sip of smooth syrah.
Mosquito buzzes at my ear
wait! don't swat it!
Pick me a flower
little buggers, eat honey
just leave me ears bee.