5 months remaining of this year, and not even that if you want to be totally accurate. What are your plans for the rest of the year?
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At The Poetry Cove Forum, we are dedicated to bringing together poets from all over the world. We believe that poetry can be a powerful tool for connection and community, and we want you to have a place where you can explore your craft in an environment that is friendly, welcoming, and supportive.
We are committed to providing this space for you because we believe that everyone deserves a chance to express themselves creatively and share their work with others who share their interests.
We hope you will join us in creating an open-minded, accepting, and supportive community of people who can help each other grow as poets.

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Thank you Adam. I am truly making the effort. So far, I have kept my promise to check in to The Poetry Cove daily. I love reading everyone's poems and I love the discussions. This has become such a supportive community. : )
Hi Nav:
Thank you for sharing. I felt inspired to get moving after reading your post. I appreciated your willingness to share your "To Do's". It's nice to know that there are other poets out there who like me, are trying to get their work out.
I have so much work to do to get my poems out in the world. I would love to put a little book together around a theme. I sent one poem to the New Yorker magazine this summer but that's it. I would also love to record one of my poems for The Poetry Cove Radio too. Now that my anxiety/depression seems to be under control (many thanks Lexapro), I plan to visit The Cove every day, if only to read the wonderful poems I find here. This would be my first step toward taking myself seriously as a poet. I need to nurture the poet in my daily routine because it is so easy to get lost in the day job, and other obligations. For me, consistency and structure will be important. I tend to jump in and then disappear. I need to show up on the regular. That's my goal for the next month: Show up on The Cove daily.
I want to finish the book I started! It has always been a dream of mine and although I'm just at the point of writing and placing my poems in categories, I would love the hear anyone else's experiences in the self-publishing route.
I haven't been on a vacation since November 2019. It would be nice to go somewhere, but it hasn't felt safe just yet.
My office building will open sometime in September (I've been working from home since March 2020), so adjusting to that will last until the end of the year! I have loved working from home so much, maybe too much! LOL.
I hope to do more Instagram Lives, I've just started getting into doing open mics and I've actually really enjoyed reading my pieces. Another goal is to record a poem for the Poetry Cove Radio. 😊
I am impressed with the specificity of all of your goals. I have been coping with some severe post-COVID 19 anxiety. Because my husband and daughter have health issues, we did not leave the house for 15 months - actually there were five times when we left: To complete a very scary move out of NYC during the height of the pandemic, when my husband had a heart attack (he is okay - thank Heaven), when we had to euthanize my 18 year old cat (still feeling that) and then to get vaccinated. Now, I have to get myself back in the world and that is is my goal. I have taken small steps at first (sitting on the porch, talking short walks and working my way to the bus stop etc.). I am back in therapy and taking meds to help. i know the drill and I am committed to getting my life back....one step at a time. : )
Plan is simple.Acquired first coaching client.Waited too long to accomplish this goal,thankfully,I finally know what to help people with.Won't say what exactly,or even why i chose to get involved in coaching,, this will be reveal in time.
As for rest of this year,I will work on my memorization skills for acting.Thankfully,my articulation is at a point where I'm comfortable,so next is memorization.Its a practice,so I'm unsure when I will be comfortable.However,I'm feeling alot closer as times goes on,to reclaiming my creative essence.
Hopefully,get poetry book FINALLY publish.I don't know what else I should do in regards to this poetry book.Since I just got editing done,and I would like to think the next steps are:
Arrangement of Poems
Final check of poems
Art Book Cover
However,I am constantly wondering is there anything else I need to do before poetry book is published?Did I miss a step?If so,what is?????
I just know when poetry book is done,it is goodbye to Version 1.Phase 1 was already over in 2018,when I wrote my BEST work ever.After that,poems have become noticeably scarce,since I just had no freaking clue what to do with them.Gratefully,I have been writing some new poems and rewriting some new poems.So its nice to know poetry spark is still there.
Retake some courses I have done in past,to have better understanding of methodologies.
Understanding history in world and poetry.It helps to be literate in arts,since I will execute plan to devotion towards Hollywood.Aware,99 percent might not be greatest humans.Yet,when I think about those DANG theatre kids,99 percent weren't necessarily great either.What bonded us was making shows the BEST they could have been.
And yes,there are awesome people in those dark places,if time and space is open for them to connect.
I also would Iike to start posting on social media soon.I did post on Instagram in 2019,via Stories.However,I didn't follow up.Because I had no belief in my poetry.However,thanks to poetry cove cafe,I can at least see my poetry is appreciated.So whoever I was at those open mics,I MUST channel that person for those social media posts.I am scare,but what's more terrifying is living an unfulfilled life.
The three biggest things are
Acquire 1st client
Memorization Acting Skills
Poetry Book
So everything else are add on to important 3.Time to start executing and bring back my full essence.
Honestly, I want to get this manuscript fully proofed and ready for self-publication. Just waiting on getting a decent set of beta readers. Other than that I'm really taking it one day at a time. If something peaks my interest I'll certainly try to buy in and try it out. Getting prepared for my favorite time of the year: Autumn! I hear the pumpkin spice lattes and chai lattes calling my name. That and Halloween is by far my favorite holiday of the entire year. Not the commercialized version though.
Also, I'm starting up the first term of my MA in Creative Writing and English towards the end of this month. So getting really anxious for that! No other plans really. Begun my Christmas shopping already as well. I like to buy little things here and there throughout the year. Less stress when shopping season arrives.