So for those of you who don't know, April is National Poetry Month. But it's also National Poetry Writing Month. What's the difference, you ask? National Poetry Month is a chance to celebrate poetry in all it's forms. National Poetry Writing Month is a challenge. 30 days, 30 poems.
And last night, I decided to try it. (Which is pretty much how I decided to participate in National Novel Writing Month last November)
So if anyone wants to come along for the ride (or watch me get less and less sleep), follow this thread. I'm going to post daily prompts (less detailed/more vague than my weekly prompts) and maybe post a couple of first drafts. We can support each other, help each other break through writer's block, and it'll be great.
If anyone is on the fence, I want to share something I learned whilst doing NaNoWriMo. This project is just for first drafts. None of the poems are going to be perfect on 1st May and that's okay. No one will read your work unless you're ready to share it.
So come back 1st April for the first prompt 😊
Yoooooo. Thank you @Adam Gary for setting up the new NaPoWriMo 2022 category. I've already created sections for poems and prompts and a place where we can discuss how nerve-wracking the challenge is and how we're all keeping up!